3 Daily Tricks to Unleash Your Yogi

Hello darlings! I’ve been thinking about how we can all connect with our inner yogi even when we’re not on the mat. Getting connected with the part of yourself that you always seem to meet when you’re in a yoga class can be so grounding and HEALTHY! So, I came up with 3 simple ways of doing this when you’re at work, standing in line, on an airplane…just about anywhere!

One: Pick up all ten yogi toes! Lifting your toes off the floor, no matter how high you can get them, instantly helps connect you with the four corners of your feet. Our feet have corners too ya know!? The pad below your big toe, the pad below your pinky toe, and then either side of your heel form the points which make up the sole of our foot. One way to physically ground yourself is to lift those tootsies and connect with your corners. So slip your shoes off at the office today and try it out!

Two: Shimmy your shoulders back in their sockets! This past weekend I went to a yoga teacher workshop all about adjustments. And I think almost every single adjustment involved bringing these long wavy appendages that we call arms and legs back into the core of our being. Plugging back into the torso. One way to do this is by taking the shoulders, shrugging them up to the ears, and then rolling them back onto the back. WOW! Your heart is instantly more open and tension is released. So now you’re grounded AND you have an open heart.

Three: Permit yourself perfect posture! If you’ve completed the two tasks above then you are well on your way to action three! Taking a moment to tuck the tailbone and lengthen through the spine allows you to check in with your body language. What are you telling yourself just in the way your carrying yourself right now? Is your weight shifted more toward one side or the other? Body reading tells you ALOT about what energy you have at the moment and guess what!? We can control our own energy just by adjusting our posture. Check out Kimberly Wilson’s six movements of the spine video to get the idea!

So open up those channels for some nourishing energy and stand tall, roll the shoulders up and back, and bring all ten toes off the Earth. Witness how this  helps you connect to the divine energy within you…It’s always there and you don’t have to be on a yoga mat to find it! Voila! Namaste lovelies! See you soon xo.


Filed under Lifestyles, Living Your Yoga, Mindfulness, Yoga poses

2 responses to “3 Daily Tricks to Unleash Your Yogi

  1. all very simple yet perfect ways to connect to our inner yogini off the mat. beautiful post! hugs!!

  2. runrettarun

    Thank you for the tips. I noticed I tend to hold my breath during yoga and always have to remind myself to BREATHE!

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